Filing for bankruptcy can be a scary, confusing, and often a complicated process. It’s even tougher doing it alone when you’re not well acquainted with bankruptcy law. Many people and business owners who consider filing for bankruptcy know little about the actual bankruptcy process. That’s why hiring an experienced Florida bankruptcy attorney can be extremely helpful.
There are a number of types of bankruptcy out there that can help you in your situation, a professional attorney can be a valuable asset to helping you along with the process and deciding which form of relief is best. The bankruptcy lawyer will help prepare and file your bankruptcy paperwork, as well as attend all required hearings along the way. Most importantly, they will be there to assist you in these uncertain times to look out for your interests above all else.
Here are 4 helpful tips for choosing the right bankruptcy attorney for you:
Look for a bankruptcy attorney with experience
You will need an attorney who has a comprehensive understanding of bankruptcy law and all court procedures involved. Bankruptcy is a concentrated area of law and it’s important for your case to have an attorney with plenty of hands-on experience.
Find an attorney that you feel comfortable with
Some bankruptcy cases can take months or possibly even years to come to completion. Because of this, you will have a lot of meetings and contact with the attorney that you choose. Make sure you pick an attorney who you feel comfortable with and one you can easily communicate with. Make sure that you are working with someone who you trust and has compassion for your situation because filing for bankruptcy can be an emotional matter.
Look for quality services at a reasonable price
As the common saying goes, you get what you pay for. This is also true in the aspect of hiring a bankruptcy attorney. You don’t want to hire the cheapest lawyer you can find right off the bat. The fees a law firm charges are often the deciding factor in choosing the attorney who will represent you. Fortunately, most bankruptcy attorneys understand your situation and offer comprehensive services for reasonable fees.
Look for a local practice
Each bankruptcy court follows the same federal bankruptcy laws. However, individual district courts will have their own local rules and procedures to follow. Be sure you are working with a lawyer who has practiced in the court where you will be filing for bankruptcy. Hiring a local attorney who is knowledgeable and familiar with the local rules will help you tremendously.
The Wynn Law Firm has over 40 years of experience in creatively and efficiently addressing the needs of every client who walks through our doors. This dedication and experience allows us to address any type of possible bankruptcy need you may have regardless of how simple or complex it may be. Contact us today to see for yourself the relief and protection that bankruptcy can provide to your situation.